GIA chapel is our favorite time of the week. There is a reason Jesus instructed us to “come as a child.” Children worship with abandon and have a faith that is contagious. Each week we gather to praise and learn about our great God and His plans for us. Our teachers and students look forward to worshipping together, and often parents will join in the celebration. Each year’s chapel is prayerfully planned around a theme intended to lead our children into an encounter with their Savior. Our students are reminded weekly of His love for them and His plan for their future. Our prayer is for our children to fall in love with Jesus.

GIA Students have the opportunity to hear from various speakers throughout the year as they share their testimonies and the defining moments of what God has personally done in their lives. Our stories are His story. These stories are not just for unbelievers or those who are seeking the truth, but when we share with each other, we are actually encouraging one another.

Praise & Worship not only requires students to work as a team, but also teaches them to lead others in worship. Serving anywhere musical worship is offered, praying, and applying their knowledge and gifts to glorify God.