ACSI Day of Prayer

ACSI Day of Prayer

Today morning we joined the Association of Christian schools International (ACSI) in a day of prayer and Thanksgiving. Prayers were held across the campus in petition for peace, prosperity and God’s guidance. Below are the highlights. Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be...


The GIA library is the training ground for our students to encounter ideas and work with them through the lens of Scripture Two of the most common questions related to libraries today are “Will we have physical books in 10 years?” and “Now that we...

GIA CHAPEL   GIA chapel is our favorite time of the week. There is a reason Jesus instructed us to “come as a child.” Children worship with abandon and have a faith that is contagious. Each week we gather to praise and learn about our great God...


Whether your interest is painting, sculpting, drawing, photography, printmaking or design, the fine art studio concentration allows for wide exploration that challenges students both technically and creatively. An interdisciplinary approach to visual thinking and...

Science Lab

PRACTICALS At GIA, The science program provides necessary background and skills from which students can become scientifically literate in order to make responsible decisions. The classes actively involve students in problem solving, qualitative and quantitative...

Godly Leaders

What is Godly Leadership? GIA CHAPEL The Goal: The goal(s) of a godly leader are – of course – to give glory to God. And thankfully, God gave us the Bible as our playbook. Scripture helps guide godly leaders to inspire godliness in others, move people to worship,...